Noises In my attic/walls?

Identify the Type of Noise

  • Scratching or Scrabbling: This could indicate small animals like mice, rats, or squirrels.
  • Thumping or Bumping: Larger animals like raccoons or opossums may be the cause, especially if the noises are loud.
  • Chirping or Squeaking: Birds or bats might be present, particularly if the noise is softer and continuous.
  • Rattling or Rustling: Could suggest the presence of snakes or insects, especially if accompanied by hissing or buzzing.

Check for Physical Evidence

  • Droppings: Different animals leave distinctive droppings. Mice and rats leave small, pellet-like droppings, while raccoons leave larger ones. Bird droppings may also be present.
  • Nests or Bedding Material: Look for nests made of shredded paper, insulation, or other materials. Birds, squirrels, and rodents often create these.
  • Damage to Insulation or Wires: Chewed wires or damaged insulation can indicate rodents. Be cautious, as damaged wires can be a fire hazard.

Inspect Common Entry Points

  • Vents and Chimneys: Birds and bats often enter through roof vents or chimneys. Ensure these are securely covered.
  • Holes and Gaps: Check for holes or gaps in the roof, eaves, and walls. Rodents and other small animals can squeeze through surprisingly small openings.
  • Eaves and Soffits: Squirrels and raccoons may enter through gaps in eaves or soffits.

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